Logo Phegea Butterflies in the Benelux
Frits Bink & Rosita Moenen 2015

Based on: Dagvlinders in de Benelux 2013
Revised and extended
Edited by Sylvain Cuvelier & Peter Russell

Vlaamse Vereniging voor Entomologie
VVE Werkgroep Dagvlinders

Flemish Entomological Society
VVE Workgroup Butterflies

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Appendix 2. Common Grasses

Scientific name
English name
Short grasses
Agrostis capillaris
common bent
acid grassland
Agrostis stolonifera
creeping bent
disturbed ground, grassland
Agrostis canina
velvet bent
damp grassy places
Corynephorus canescens
grey hair-grass
acid sandy soils, dunes
Cynosurus cristatus
crested dog’s-tail
meadows and pastures
Danthonia decumbens
heath grass
heath, sand, peat, acid grassland
Festuca brevipilla (= F. cinerea)
grey fescue
dry grassland, acid soil
Festuca ovina
sheep’s fescue
dry grassland, downs, heath, moors
Festuca filiformis
fine leaved sheep’s fescue
acid soils, dunes, saltmarshes
Koeleria macrantha
crested hair-grass
calcareous grassland, wood edges
Nardus stricta
heaths, moors, very infertile soils
Poa annua
annual meadow-grass
bare and disturbed ground
Medium tall grasses
Alopecurus pratensis
common fox-tail
grassland on neutral soils

Bromus erectus                                                            

upright brome
chalk and limestone grassland
Dactylis glomerata
woods, grassy places
Deschampsia cespitosa
tufted hair-grass
damp woods, grassland, marshes
Elymus repens
common couch
waste and cultivated ground
Festuca pratensis
meadow fescue
heavely and cultivated soils
Festuca rubra
red fescue
grassy places
Holcus lanatus
Yorkshire fog
grassland and waste ground
Lolium perenne
perennial rye-grass
grassy places, for pasture and hay
Melica uniflora
wood melick
beech-wood and sandy banks
Phleum pratense
timothy grass
grassland, waysides, waste grounds
Poa nemoralis
wood meadow-grass
woods and shady places
Poa pratensis
smooth meadow-grass
dry and sunny places
Poa trivialis
rough meadow-grass
damp and shady, grassy places
Tall grasses
Arrhenaterum elatius
false oat-grass
grassland. waysides, waste ground
Brachypodium pinnatum
tor grass
calcareous grassland
Brachypodium sylvaticum
false brome
woods, scrub, shady hedge banks
Calamagrostis epigejos
wood small-reed
damp woods, fens, heavily soils
Calamagrostis canescens
purple small-reed
fens, marshes, wet woods
Festuca arundinacea
tall fescue
road verges, grassy places
Festuca gigantea
giant fescue
woods and sandy banks
Millium effusum
wood millet
damp and calcareous soils
Molinia caerulea
purple moor-grass
marshes, fens, fluctuating water table
Phalaris arundinacea
reed canary-grass
marshes, fens, damp woods

Contact Werkgroep Dagvlinders: Jurgen Couckuyt