Logo Phegea Butterflies in the Benelux
Frits Bink & Rosita Moenen 2015

Based on: Dagvlinders in de Benelux 2013
Revised and extended
Edited by Sylvain Cuvelier & Peter Russell

Vlaamse Vereniging voor Entomologie
VVE Werkgroep Dagvlinders

Flemish Entomological Society
VVE Workgroup Butterflies

Home V.V.E. | Dagvlinders | Synopsis | Acknowledgements | Content | General Chapters | Monographs | Appendices | Additions | Sources | Index |


Adonis blue (66)
Aglais io (95)
Aglais urticae (96)
Alcon blue (51)
Anthocharis cardamines (24)
Apatura ilia (89)
Apatura iris (90)
Aphantopus hyperantus (79)
Apollo (15)
Aporia crataegi (25)
Araschnia levana (100)
Arethusana arethusa (88)
Argynnis adippe (111)
Argynnis aglaja (110)
Argynnis niobe (112)
Argynnis paphia (109)
Aricia agestis (59)
Arran brown (81)

Bath white (29)
Baton blue (67)
Berger’s clouded yellow (22)
Black hairstreak (41)
Black-veined white (25)
Blue-spot hairstreak (42)
Bog fritillary (116)
Boloria aquilonaris (120)
Boloria dia (119)
Boloria eunomia (116)
Boloria euphrosyne (117)
Boloria selene (118)
Brenthis daphne (114)
Brenthis ino (115)
Brimstone (23)
Brown argus (59)
Brown hairstreak (37)

Cacyreus marshalli (46)
Callophrys rubi (39)
Camberwell beauty (99)
Carcharodus alceae (9)
Carterocephalus palaemon (7)
Celastrina argiolus (49)
Chalkhill blue (63)
Chapman’s blue (65)
Chequered skipper (7)
Chestnut heath (77)
Clouded yellow (20)
Coenonympha arcania (74)
Coenonympha glycerion (77)
Coenonympha hero (75)
Coenonympha pamphilus (76)
Coenonympha tullia (73)
Colias alfacariensis (22)
Colias crocea (20)
Colias hyale (21)
Colias palaeno (19)
Comma butterfly (97)
Common blue (62)
Cranberry blue (58)
Cranberry fritillary (120)
Cupido argiades (48)
Cupido minimus (47)
Cyaniris semiargus (61)

Damon blue (60)
Danaus plexippus (68)
Dark green fritillary (110)
Dingy skipper (8)
Duke of Burgundy fritillary (30)
Dusky large blue (54)

Erebia aethiops (82)
Erebia ligea (81)
Erebia medusa (83)
Erynnis tages (8)
Essex skipper (1)
Euphydryas aurinia (101)
Euphydryas maturna (102)

False grayling (88)
False heath fritillary (106)
Favonius quercus (38)

Gate keeper (78)
Geranium bronze (46)
Glanville fritillary (103)
Glaucospyche alexis (50)
Gonepteryx rhamni (23)
Grayling (86)
Green hairstreak (39)
Green underside blue (50)
Green-veined white (28)
Grizzled skipper (12)

Hamearis lucina (30)
Heath fritillary (107)
Hesperia comma (4)
Heteropterus morpheus (6)
High brown fritillary (111)
Hipparchia fagi (85)
Hipparchia semele (86)
Hipparchia statilinus (87)
Holly blue (49)

Idas blue (56)
Ilex hairstreak (44)
Iphiclides podalirius (16)
Issoria lathonia (113)

Knapweed fritillary (104)

Lampides boeticus (45)
Large blue (52)
Large chequered skipper (6)
Large copper (33)
Large grizzled skipper (11)
Large heath (73)
Large skipper (5)
Large tortoiseshell (98)
Large wall brown (71)
Large white (26)
Lasiommata maera (71)
Lasiommata megera (70)
Leptidea sinapis s.l. (18)
Lesser marbled fritillary (115)
Lesser purple emperor (89)
Limenitis camilla (92)
Limenitis populi (91)
lLong-tailed blue (45)
Lopinga achine (72)
Lulworth skipper (3)
Lycaena dispar (33)
Lycaena helle (31)
Lycaena hippothoe (36)
Lycaena phlaeas (32)
Lycaena tityrus (35)
Lycaena virgaureae (34)

Maculinea alcon (51)
Maculinea arion (52)
Maculinea nausithous (54)
Maculinea teleius (53)
Mallow skipper (9)
Maniola jurtina (80)
Map butterfly (100)
Marbled fritillary (114)
Marbled white (84)
Marsh fritillary (101)
Mazarine blue (61)
Meadow brown (80)
Melanargia galathea (84)
Melitaea athalia (107)
Melitaea aurelia (108)
Melitaea cinxia (103)
Melitaea diamina (106)
Melitaea didyma (105)
Melitaea phoebe (104)
Monarch (68)
Moorland clouded yellow (19)

Nickerl’s fritillary (108)
Niobe fritillary (112)
Nymphalis antiopa (99)
Nymphalis polychloros (98)

Oberthür’s grizzled skipper (14)
Ochlodes sylvanus (5)
Olive skipper (13)
Orange-tip (24)

Painted lady (94)
Pale clouded yellow (21)
Papilio machaon (17)
Pararge aegeria (69)
Parnassius apollo (15)
Peacock (95)
Pearl-bordered fritillary (117)
Pearly heath (74)
Pieris brassicae (26)
Pieris napi (28)
Pieris rapae (27)
Plebejus argus (55)
Plebejus argyrognomon (57)
Plebejus idas (56)
Plebejus optilete (58)
Polygonia c-album (97)
Polyommatus bellargus (66)
Polyommatus coridon (63)
Polyommatus damon (60)
Polyommatus dorylas (64)
Polyommatus icarus (62)
Polommatus semiargus (61)
Polyommatus thersites
Pontia daplidice s.l. (29)
Popular admiral (91)
Pseudophilotes baton (67)
Purple emperor (90)
Purple hairstreak (38)
Purple-edged copper (36)
Pyrgus alveus (11)
Pyrgus armoricanus (14)
Pyrgus malvae (12)
Pyrgus serratulae (13)
Pyronia tithonus (78)

Queen of Spain fritillary (113)

Red admiral (93)
Red underwing skipper (10)
Reverdin’s blue (57)
Ringlet (79)

Satyrium acacia (43)
Satyrium ilicis (44)
Satyrium pruni (41)
Satyrium spini (42)
Satyrium w-album (40)
Scarce copper (34)
Scarce fritillary (102)
Scarce heath (75)
Scarce large blue (53)
Scarce swallowtail (16)
Scotch argus (82)
Short-tailed blue (48
Silver-studded blue (55)
Silver-washed fritillary (109)
Silver-spotted skipper (4)
Sloe hairstreak (43)
Small blue (47)
Small copper (32)
Small heath (76)
Small pearl-bordered fritillary (118)
Small skipper (2)
Small tortoiseshell (96)
Small white (27)
Sooty copper (35)
Speckled wood (69)
Spialia sertorius (10)
Spotted fritillary (105)
Swallowtail (17)

Thecla betulae (37)
Thymelicus acteon (3)
Thymelicus lineola (1)
Thymelicus sylvestris (2)
Tree grayling (87)
Turquoise blue  (64)

Vanessa atalanta (93)
Vanessa cardui (94)
Violet copper (31)

Wall brown (70)
Weaver’s fritillary (119)
White admiral (92)
White letter hairstreak (40)
Wood white (18)
Woodland brown (72)
Woodland grayling (85)
Woodland ringlet (83)


Contact: Sylvain Cuvelier