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Phegea 26 – 1998

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Phegea 26 – 1998

Phegea 26 – nummer 1 (1 maart 1998)

Henderickx H.: A new Pseudobankesia species from Crete (Lepidoptera: Psychidae).
Phegea 26(1): 1–8.
A new species of Pseudobankesia is described from Crete: Pseudobankesia hauseriella sp. n. The species is compared with the known species from the Balkan and Greece.

Beshkov S.: Hyles hippophaes new for Bulgaria and Euxoa cos crimaea new for the Balkan Peninsula (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae, Noctuidae).
Phegea 26(1): 9–11.
Hyles hippophaes (Esper, 1793) is reported for the first time from Bulgaria, and Euxoa cos crimaea A. Bang-Haas, 1906, previously known only from the Crimea, is reported as new to the Balkan Peninsula. Both species have been collected in the Balchik district, northen Black Sea Coast.

Henderickx H.: Holo- en hemimelanistische vormen van Carabus (Chrysocarabus) auronitens auronitens in België (Coleoptera: Carabidae).
Phegea 26(1): 13–19.
De auteur geeft een overzicht van de holo- en hemimelanistische vormen van Carabus (Chrysocarabus) auronitens auronitens Fabricius, 1792 en stlet enkele bijzonderheden voor over het plaatselijke verspreidingspatroon van deze soort.


Garrevoet T. & Lastuvka Z.: Chamaesphecia nigrifrons new to the Czech Republic (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae).
Phegea 26(1): 21–22.
During an entomological expedition to the Czech Republic (Moravia) in Juune 1995, Chamaesphecia nigrifrons (Le Cerf, 1911) was observed using synthetic pheromone. Also in western Slovakia, a specimen was captured using this pheromone. The biology of this species is discussed in short. A description of the biotope is given.

Faquaet M.: Enkele interessante nachtvlindersoorten uit het departement Vendée in Frankrijk, september 1997 (Lepidoptera).
Phegea 26(1): 23–27.
Tijdens een bezoek aan het Franse departement Vendée van 10 tot 22 september 1997 werden 121 soorten nachtvlinders geobserveerd. De drie bezochte biotopen en de 34 meest interessante soorten worden besproken.

van Zuijlen J. W.: Three species of Opomyzidae (Diptera: Brachycera) new for the fauna of Belgium.
Phegea 26(1): 29–30.
During the study of ca. 950 specimens of Belgian Opomyzidae, three species were identified which had not been recorded from Belgium before: Geomyza martineki, G. nartshukae and G. venusta. Because of the confusion about the name combinata, and the fact that other names are available for species in the combinata-group, it is advised to no longer use the name of combinata and to delete this name from the Belgian list. The total number of Opomyzidae species thus reaches 9.

Poltavsky A. N., Nekrasov, A. V., Petchen V. I. & Hatchikov E. A.: The Noctuidae fauna of Turkmenistan (Lepidoptera).
Phegea 26(1): 31–40.
(continued from Phegea 25(4): 183).


Phegea 26 – nummer 2 (1 juni 1998)

Vanholder B.: Trekvlinders in 1997, veertiende jaarverslag.
Phegea 26(2): 41–60.
Rapport over de trekvlinders waargenomen in 1997. Een tabel met informatie over deze trekvlinders per decade wordt gegeven.

Wagener S. & van Oorschot H.: Rhopalocera and Grypocera of Turkey 15. Zur Identität von Callophrys mystaphia (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae).
Phegea 26(2): 61–67.
Anhand alter topographischer Karten wird die genaue Lage des Locus typicus von Callophrys mystaphia Miller, 1913 festgelegt. Der Vergleich des Lectotypus und der Urbeschreibung einerseits mit im weiteren Bereich des Locus typicus gesammelten Material andererseits führte zur Erkenntnis der morphologischen Identität von Callophrys mystaphia und Callophrys paulae Pfeiffer, 1932. Demzufolge muss C. paulae als jüngeres subjektives Synonym von C. mystaphia angesehen werden. Nach Feldbeobachtungen ist C. mystaphia an subalpine Dernpolsterformationen mit Onobrychis cornuta gebunden und unterscheidet such auch dadurch von Callphrus rubi (Linnaeus, 1758), der mesophile Habitate bevorzugt. Alle Vorkommen von C. mystaphia in der Türkei werden aufgelistet.

De Prins W.: Nephopterix angustella, een nieuwe soort voor de Belgische fauna (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).
Phegea 26(2): 69–70.
Vier exemplaren van Nephopteryx angustella (Hübner, 1796) werden in 1992 en 1993 verzameld te Wenduine (West-Vlaanderen). Deze soort is nieuw voor de Belgische fauna.

Bettag E.& Bläsius R.: Eine neue Glasflüglerart aus Marokko (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae).
Phegea 26(2): 71–75.
Bembecia igueri sp. n. wird aus Marokko, Hoher Atlas, beschrieben. Die neue Art steht habituell Bembecia megillaeformis (Hübner, [1813]) nah. Es liegen sechs Männchen vor, die an künstlichen Pheromonen gefangen worden. Das Weibchen und die Raupennahrungspflanze sind unbekannt.

Riemis A.: Geometridae of Turkey 7. Additions and corrections to the provisional list of Geometridae of Turkey (Lepidoptera: Geometridae).
Phegea 26(2): 76–80.
In this paper 79 additional Geometrid species, together with a few corrections to the provisional list of the Geometridae of Turkey, are given.


Phegea 26 – nummer 3 (1 september 1998)

De Prins G. & Garrevoet T.: Ligdia adustata en Eupithecia abietaria: nieuw voor de provincie Antwerpen (Lepidoptera: Geometridae).
Phegea 26(3): 81–83.
Zowel Ligida adustata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) als Eupithecia abietaria (Goeze, 1781) worden hier voor het eerst uit de provincie Antwerpen vermeld. De verspreiding in België van beide soorten wordt besproken alsook hun voedselplanten en biotopen.

Bakowski M.: A contribution to the knowledge of the clearwing moths of Turkey (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae).
Phegea 26(3): 85–86.
Fourteen species of Sesiidae have been observed in different Turkish provinces in 1993 and 1994. A list of these observations is presented.

Olivier A., van der Poorten D. & De Prins W.: Rhopalocera and Grypocera of Turkey 16. Taxonomic notes on Plebeius christophi and Plebeius idas in northeastern Turkey (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae).
Phegea 26(3): 87–102.
The taxonomy, distribution and bionomics of Plebeius christophi (Staudinger, 1874) and P. idas (Linnaeus, 1761) are treated, with special reference to northeastern Turkey and adjacent areas. Lectotypes are designated for the nominal taxa Lycaena Christophi Staudinger, 1874, Lycaena Argyrognomon Brgstr. var. Transcaucasica Rebel, 1901 and Lycaeides idas L. Höhenform altarmena Forster, 1936, and their type locality is restricted in the present study. P. christophi is an eremic species, limited to arid steppe and semidesert areas with Alhagi spp. (possibly exclusively Alhagi maurorum Medikus), to which plant it is intimately associated and which most probably is it larval host-plant (cf. Schurian 1997): it is presumably bivoltine. On the contrary, P. idas is an arboreal species with a wide Holarctic, though largely extramediterranean distribution: in eastern Anatolia it is univoltine and it lives in a variety of grassy habitats, often in woodland areas, the larva feeding on an array of host-plants belonging to the family Fabaceae. In Turkey, P. christophi is represented by its subspecies P. christophi transcaucasisus (Rebel, 1901), that enters the country only in het norteast (Aras Valley, Kars and Igdir provinces). Here it is sympatric, but not syntopic, with P. idas baldur (Hemming, 1934), the latter occurring in cooler biotopes at altitudes of more than 2000 m. P. idas baldur is widespread in Turkey, except for the extreme northeast (Posof area, Ardahan province and adjacent area in the Artvin province), where P. idas altarmena (Forster, 1936) is found. Last-named taxon looks externally quite similar to P. christophi transcaucasicus and this has mislead Hesselbarth, van Oorschot & Wagener (1995) when they ascribed it, though tentatively, to it.

Poltavsky A. N., Nekrasov, A. V., Petchen V. I. & Hatchikov E. A.: The Noctuidae fauna of Turkmenistan (Lepidoptera).
Phegea 26(3): 103–116.
(concluded from Phegea 26(1): 40).

Dils J. & Van de Weyer G.: Pachyanthrax laconae = Thyridanthrax kolokotronis syn. n. (Diptera: Bombyliidae).
Phegea 26(3): 117.
Thyridanthrax kolokotronis Dils & Van de Weyer, 1997 is a junior subjective synonym of Pachyanthrax laconae Greathead, 1981, syn. nov.

Beshkov S.: Butterflies and day-flying moths in light traps (Lepidoptera).
Phegea 26(3): 118–120.
Ten butterfly species and 5 species of day-flying moths collected in light traps are reported. Dor most of the captures the light source is specified. An attempt is made to explain the reasons why these insects were attracted by artificial light.


Phegea 26 – nummer 4 (1 december 1998)

De Prins G. & Garrevoet T.: Pennisetia hylaeiformis: nieuw voor de provincie Antwerpen (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae).
Phegea 26(4): 121–122.
Pennisetia hylaeiformis (Laspeyres, 1801) wordt hier voor het eerst uit de provincie Antwerpen vermeld. Verscheidene exemplaren van deze soort werden op verschillende plaatsen verzameld in de periode 1992–1994. De verspreiding van deze soort in België, haar voedselplant en habitat worden besproken.

Henderickx H.: Lasiochernes cretonatus, a new pseudoscorpion species from Crete (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones).
Phegea 26(4): 123–129.
A new pseudoscoprion species, Lasiochernes cretonatus sp. n., is described from Crete and compared with its close relatives.

Belik A. G. & Yakovlev R. V.: Confirmed occurrence of Oeneis jutta in the Altai mountains (Russia) with description of a new subspecies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae).
Phegea 26(4): 131–139.
The presence of Oeneis jutta (Hübner, [1806]), in the Altai mountains is confirmed for the first time since 90 years; a single literature record (Meinhard 1910) was hitherto considered doubtful. Oeneis jutta akoene ssp. n. is described from the Ukok plateau, south-east Altai mountains. It differs well from all known Plaearctic forms of this species. A detailed description and differential diagnosis of the new subspecies is given, its distribution and ecology are discussed.

Buhl P. N.: New species of Proctotrupoidea s. l. from Europe (Hymenoptera).
Phegea 26(4): 141–150.
Disogmus quinquedentatus sp. n. (♂), Aclista ninae sp. n. (♀), Belyta breviscapa sp. n. (♂), Cinetus olebuhli sp. n. (♂), C. sagvoldeni sp. n. (♀), C. oblongus sp. n. (♀), Pantoclis gravlundi sp. n. (♀), Trimorus microspinus sp. n. (♀) and Telenomus ilione sp. n. (♀) from Norway, Trimorus cornutus sp. n. (♀) from Denmark, and Aclista mediterranea sp. n. (♀) from Greece are described.

Makhan D.: A new Limnebius and a new Hydraena for Turkey (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae).
Phegea 26(4): 151–154.
Limnebius rishwani sp. n. and Hydraena lodewyckxi sp. n. (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) are described from Turkey.


Phegea 26 – 1998