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Flemish Entomological Society

Phegea 25 – 1997

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Phegea 25 – 1997

Phegea 25 – nummer 1 (1 maart 1997)

Bonte D.: Het voorkomen van Hyles euphorbiae, Aricia agestis, Hipparchia semele en Issoria lathonia in het duingebied van de Vlaamse Westkust in 1996 (Lepidoptera).
Phegea 25(1): 1–5.
Gedurende 1998 en 1996 werden de aanwezigheid en populatiegrootte van vier bedreigde Lepidoptera-soorten bestudeerd in het duingebied van de Vlaamse Westkust. Alle vier deze soorten bleken voor te komen langs de hele kuststrook in vitale populaties. Issoria lathonia, die vermeld staat als "uitgestorven" in de Rode Lijst van de Dagvlinders van Vlaanderen, bleek in het studiegebied in twee kleine populaties aanwezig te zijn.

Asselbergs J. E. F.: Scoparia conicella confirmed for the Belgian fauna (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Scopariinae).
Phegea 25(1): 7–10.
The characteristics of the male and female genitalia of Scoparia conicella (de la Harpe, 1863) are discussed and compared with those of Scoparia basistrigalis Knaggs, 1866 and Scoparia ambigualis (Treitschke, 1829). The distribution of S. conicella is briefly discussed.

Warnotte C. & De Prins W.: Discestra salicorniae stat. rev. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Phegea 25(1): 11–19.
Because of constant differences in the male genitalia and in the structure of the antennae, Discestra salicorniae (Domont, 1925) is regarded as a separate species from Discestra sodae (Boisduval, 1829). A lectotype is designated.


Van de Vijver W.: Eenmerkwaardige copulatie.
Phegea 25(1): 20.
Een copulatie tussen een mannetje Zygaenda filipendulae en vrouwtje Amata phegea aan de rand van het Trasimeno-meer nabij Tuoro (Umbria, Italië).

Henderickx H.: Stigmella aurella and Luffia lapidella f. ferchaultella, new species for the Azores (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae, Psychidae).
Phegea 25(1): 21–23.
During an expedition in July 1994 leafmines of Stigmella aurella (Fabricius, 1775) were collected on Rubus in the island of São Miguel and Terceira (Azores). On the same islands, but also on Pico and Faial, several cases of Luffia lapidella (Goeze, 1783) f. ferchaultella (Stephens, 1850) were collected. Both Lepidoptera species are recorded here for the first time from the Azores.

Dils J. & Van De Weyer G.: A new species of Thyridanthrax from southern Greece, Pelopónnisos (Diptera: Bombyliidae).
Phegea 25(1): 25–30.
On the Pelopónnisos, 109 specimens of a hitherto unknown species of Thyridanthrax were collected during late May – early June 1995. The species is described as Thyridanthrax kolokotronis sp. nov.

Riemis A.: Geometridae of Turkey 6. Description of a new species from eastern Turkey in the genus Scotopteryx Hübner (Lepidoptera: Geometridae).
Phegea 25(1): 31–34.
A new species of the genus Scotopteryx Hübner is described from north-eastern Turkey: Scotopteryx diana sp. n..

Kolev Z. & van der Poorten D.: Review of the distribution of the Balkan endemic Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) aroaniensis (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), with notes on its sympatry with related species.
Phegea 25(1): 35–40.
All available data on the distribution and biology of the Balkan endemic Polyommatus aroaniensis (Brown, 1976) is reviewed. With the addition of previously unpublished records from ex-Yugoslav Macedonia and Southwest and centra-East Bulgaria, it is shown that the range of this species may extend much farther north- and eastward than previously believed.


Phegea 25– nummer 2 (1 juni 1997)

Vanholder B.: Trekvlinders in 1996, dertiende jaarverslag.
Phegea 25(2): 41–64.
Rapport over de trekvlinders waargenomen in 1996. Een tabel met informatie over deze trekvlinders per decade wordt gegeven.

Mairiaux J. & Hutsebaut J.: The identification of Apatura metis and Apatura ilia and their distribution in Greece and Turkey (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae).
Phegea 25(2): 65–79.
The paper is an attempt of the use of morphometric analysis for the confident identification of Apatura metis (Freyer, [1829]) and A. ilia ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775). The known localities of A. metis and A. ilia in Greece and Turkey are reviewed and their list is updated with recent unpublished records.

Henderickx H.: Chthonius (Chthonius) minotaurus (Heterosphyronida, Chthoniidae), a new troglobitic pseudoscorpion from Crete.
Phegea 25(2): 81–87.
Chthonius (Chthonius) minotaurus sp. n., an eyeless troglobitic pseudoscorpion discovered in a limestone cave in Crete, is described.

van der Poorten D. & Cuvelier S.: Melitaea aurelia new for Greece (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae).
Phegea 25(2): 89–90.
Melitaea aurelia Nickerl, 1850 is reported here for the first time from Greece.

Buhl P. N.: Description of Cinetus nyx sp. n. from Norway (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae).
Phegea 25(2): 91–92.
Cinetus nyx sp. n. (♀) from Norway is described and figured. It is close to C. proclea Nixon, 1957.

Riemis A. & Verhoeven F.: Eerste waarneming van Pelosia obtusa in de provincie Antwerpen (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae).
Phegea 25(2): 93.
Eerste waarneming van Pelosia obtusa (Herrich-Schäffer, 1847) in de provincie Antwerpen.

Van Opstaele M.: Schrankia taenialis in Oost-Vlaanderen (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Phegea 25(2): 95–96.
Een exemplaar van Schrankia taenialis (Hübner, [1809]) werd op licht waargenomen in het natuurreservaat "Het Leen" te Eeklo (Oost-Vlaanderen) op 22 juli 1996. Dit is de eerste waarneming van deze soort in Vlaanderen.


Phegea 25 – nummer 3 (1 september 1997)

Vercauteren T.: Sigara (Subsigara) iactans, een nieuwe soort voor België (Heteroptera: Corixidae).
Phegea 25(3): 97–105.
Sigara (Subsigara) iactans Jansson, 1983, werd aangetroffen in Vlaanderen (Noord-België) vanaf 1991: a) in een gekanaliseerde rivier: de Durme-Moervaart ten noorden van Lokeren (1991–1992) (noord-oosten van de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen-; b) in laaglandbeken van de Vlaamse vlakte: de Koningsbeek in Bornem (4.III.1992), de Heibeek in Willebroek (Heindonk) (6.X.1992) (beide in het noordwesten van de provincie Antwerpen) en de Burggravenstroom te Waarschoot (16.XI.1994) (noordwesten van de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen); c) in een kleine laaglandrivier in de Antwerpse Kempen: de Molse Nete, te Mol (14.XI.1995) (zuidoosten van de provincie Antwerpen). S. iactans werd er telkens aangetrofen in kalm, eutroof water met weinig of geen waterplanten en nabij stenen oeverwanden, brugpeilers of zandige oevers. Het betreft de eerste waarnemingen van de soort in België.

Buhl P. N.: On six new or little known species of Platygastrinae (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae).
Phegea 25(3): 107–115.
Synopeas goengeti sp. n. (♀) and S. tropicus sp. n. (♀) are described from Uganda. S. varipes (Harrington, 1899) (♀, ♂) from Canada is redescribed, and Leptacis larsovehanseni sp. n. (♂) from Mexico, L. breisteini sp. n. (♀) from Norway, and the female of L. nice (Walker, 1835) are described.

Tshikolovets V. V.: New blue butterfly taxa from Central Asia (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) – Communication 4.
Phegea 25(3): 117–121.
Turanana mizildigara sp. n. is described from Tajikistan, Gorno-Badakhshan province, kishlak (village) Verkhniy Namatgut, Ishkashim mountain range, southern slope, river Sangdzhegar near mazar Mizildigar and upwards of town Ishkashim, Niyut, 3500–3700 m.

Olivier A.: The butterflies of the Greek island of Léros (Lepidoptera: Hesperioides & Papilionoidea).
Phegea 25(3): 123–128.
After a short introduction about the island of Léros and a discussion about the scarce existing literature, the 29 butterfly species known to occur on this island are discussed. Fifteen species are mentioned here for the first time for Léros. Except for one species, all others also occur on the nearby island of Kos. The island in between, Kálimnos, has 31 species of which 27 occur also on Léros. Two species on Léros do not occur on Kálimnos, while they are known from Kos and on the Bodrum peninsula. Probably both species do occur on Kálimnos but have not been discovered so far. Not a single species shown any taxonomic differntiation compared to the adjacent island or the nearby continent. These island separated only 9000 years from each other and from Turkey. It may be assumed that by now 90% of the butterfly fauna of Léros is known.

Sruoga V.: A new species of Perittia Stainton (Lepidoptera, Elachistidae) from Central Asia.
Phegea 25(3): 129–134.
Perittia tectusella sp. n. is described from Tajikistan (Central Asia). The external features, genitalia and wing venation of both sexes are described and figured in detail. The immature stages and life history outlined, drawings of egg and mines are given.

Coutsis J. G., De Prins W. & van der Poorten D.: Turanana laspura Evans separated from T. cytis (Christoph) as a distinct species (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae).
Phegea 25(3): 135–140.
On the basis of differences in the male genitalia Turanana laspura Evans, 1932, originally described as a subspecies of Turanana cytis (Christoph, 1877), is raised to specific rank.


Phegea 25 – nummer 4 (1 december 1997)

Slosse W.: Bijdrage tot de kennis van de verspreiding van wantsen (Heteroptera) in West-Vlaanderen.
Phegea 25(4): 141–151.
De voorgestelde lijst bevat 62 soorten waarvan Aellopus atratus, Arma custos, Elasmucha fieberi, Elasmucha grisea en Palomena prasina hier voor het eerst uit West-Vlaanderen worden vermeld. Scolopostethus puberulus en Trapezonotus desertus worden voor het eerst uit België vermeld.

Beshkov S.: A new noctuid moth from Bulgaria: Oncocnemis confusa michaelorum ssp. n. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Phegea 25(4): 153–161.
Oncocnemis confusa michaelorum ssp. n. is described from the North Bulgarian Black Sea coast, near Balchik town. The new subspecies has a colony on a very small locality on the sandy rocks. Oncocnemis confusa michaelorum ssp. n. differs well in its external morphology from the other known Oncocnemis species. In its general characteristics the new subspecies differs from Oncocnemis confusa confusa (Freyer, [1839]) by the characters in the vesica, nbest seen when it is everted. The genus Oncocnemis is new for the Balkan peninsula.

Bosselaers J.: Zoropsis cyprogenia sp. n., a new, probably endemic spides species from Cyprus (Araneae, Zoropsidae).
Phegea 25(4): 162–168.
Zoropsis cyprogenia sp. n. (Araneae, Zoropsidae) is described from a female specimen collected on Akamas peninsula, Cyprus. A short overview of the family Zoropsidae, as presently delimited, is presented and detailed illustrations of the new species are given. The new species can be easily distinguished from the other Mediterranean and Atlantic Zoropsis species on the basis of external and internal characteristics of the female genitalia.

Coutsis J., Dils J., Ghavalas, N. & van der Poorten D.: A new Erebia species for the Greek fauna (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae Satyrinae).
Phegea 25(4): 169–172.
A for the Greek fauna new Erebia species is mentioned from the central Pindos mountains. On the basis of external characters and male genitalia the species is preliminary placed as E. cassioides (Reiner & Hohenwarth, 1792). A short description of the external phenotype, the male genitalia and the habitat is presented. The species flies together with E. ottomana (Herrich-Schäffer, [1847]), which is at that time at the end of its flight period.

Poltavsky A. N., Nekrasov, A. V., Petchen, V. I. & Hatchikov E. A.: The Noctuidae fauna of Turkmenia (Lepidoptera).
Phegea 25(4): 173–183.
A list of the Noctuidae of Turkmenia has been compiled using published reports, original collecting data in the period 1978–1985 and material in the museums collections of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Budapest. Altogether 394 species are known now from 8 natural regions of Turkmenia (44 localities), including 66 new species for the republic's fauna.


Phegea 25 – 1997