De bibliotheek van de V.V.E. ontvangt geregeld boeken van overleden entomologen of mensen die niet meer geïnteresseerd zijn in entomologie. De dubbele boeken die al aanwezig zijn in de bibliotheek worden hier te koop aangeboden.
Auteur / Author |
Jaar/Year |
Titel / Title |
Pages / Plates |
Prijs / Price |
Abdajiev S. |
1992 |
Butterflies of Bulgaria. Part 1, Papilionidae & Pieridae |
91 pp. 48 plates |
€ 5,00 |
Adriaenssens S. & Verheyen F. |
2013 |
Oude bossen van de Antwerpse Kempen |
252 pp. no plates |
€ 10,00 |
Aukema B. et al. |
2014 |
Verspreidingsatlas van de Belgische Miridae (Insecta: Heteroptera) |
311 pp. no plates |
€ 10,00 |
Bink F.A. & Moenen R.S. |
2013 |
Dagvlinders in de Benelux |
191 pp. no plates |
€ 10,00 |
Bradley J.D., Tremewan W.G. & Smith A. |
1973 |
British Tortricoid Moths. Volume 1. Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae |
251 pp. 47 plates |
€ 25,00 |
Calle J.A. |
1982 |
Noctuidos Espanoles |
430 pp. no plates |
€ 10,00 |
Culot J. |
1987 |
Noctuelles et Géomètres d’Europe Volume III |
269 pp. 37 plates |
€ 20,00 |
Culot J. |
1987 |
Noctuelles et Géomètres d’Europe Volume IV |
159 pp. 70 plates |
€ 20,00 |
De Knijf G. et al. |
2006 |
De Libellen van België, verspreiding, evolutie en habitats |
370 pp. no plates |
€ 10,00 |
De Tré E. |
1987 |
Inventarisatie, status en ecologie van het Belgisch dagvlinderbestand |
72 pp. no plates |
€ 5,00 |
De Vlinderstichting |
2001 |
Lijst van Nederlandse namen van macrovlinders in Nederland |
106 pp. no plates |
€ 5,00 |
Derenne-Meyers F. |
1929 |
Faune de la Belgique. Classification des Géométrides |
107 pp. no plates |
€ 10,00 |
Döring E. |
1955 |
Zur Morphologie der Schmetterlingseier |
154 pp. 3 plates |
€ 15,00 |
Eliasson C.U., Ryrholm N. & Gärdenfors U. |
2008 |
Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges flora och fauna |
407 pp. no plates |
€ 10,00 |
Emmet A.M. |
1996 |
The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 3: Yponomeutidae - Elachistidae |
452 pp. 2 plates |
€ 25,00 |
Emmet A.M. & Heath J. (Eds) |
1989 |
The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 7, pt. 1: Hesperiidae - Nymphalidae (The Butterflies) |
306 pp. 24 plates |
€ 25,00 |
Emmet A.M. & Heath J. (Eds) |
1991 |
The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 7, pt. 2: Lasiocampidae - Thyatiridae |
400 pp. 4 plates |
€ 25,00 |
Evans W.H. |
1949 |
A catalogue of the Hesperiidae from Europe, Asia and Australia in the British Museum (Natural History) |
502 pp. no plates |
€ 40,00 |
Fibiger M. & Svendsen P. |
1981 |
Danske natsommerfugle. Bind 1 |
272 pp. no plates |
€ 15,00 |
Forster W. & Wohlfart T.A. |
1954 |
Die Schmetterlinge Mitteleuropas. Band 1. Biologie der Schmetterlinge |
202 pp. 147 plates |
€ 20,00 |
Forster W. & Wohlfart T.A. |
1954 |
Die Schmetterlinge Mitteleuropas. Band 2. Tagfalter Diurna (Rhopalocera und Hesperiidae) |
126 pp. 28 plates |
€ 50,00 |
Forster W. & Wohlfart T.A. |
1960 |
Die Schmetterlinge Mitteleuropas. Band 3. Spinner un Schwärmer (Bombyces und Sphinges) |
239 pp. 28 plates |
€ 50,00 |
Forster W. & Wohlfart T.A. |
1971 |
Die Schmetterlinge Mitteleuropas. Band 4. Eulen (Noctuidae) |
329 pp. 32 plates |
€ 50,00 |
Forster W. & Wohlfart T.A. |
1981 |
Die Schmetterlinge Mitteleuropas. Band 5. Spanner (Geometridae) |
312 p. 26 plates |
€ 50,00 |
Goater B. |
1986 |
British Pyralid Moths. A Guide to their Identification |
175 pp. 8 plates |
€ 15,00 |
Gomez Bustillo M.R. |
1979 |
Mariposas de la Península Ibérica. Vol.IV. Heteróceros II. Notodontidae ... Nolidae |
280 pp. num. color illustrations |
€ 50,00 |
Gomez Bustillo M.R. & Fernandez-Rubio F. |
1974 |
Mariposas de la Península Ibérica. Vol. I. Ropalóceros I |
198 pp. num. color illustrations |
€ 45,00 |
Gomez Bustillo M.R. & Fernandez-Rubio F. |
1974 |
Mariposas de la Península Ibérica. Vol. II. Ropalóceros II |
198 pp. num. color illustrations |
€ 45,00 |
Gomez Bustillo M.R., Fernandez-Rubio F. |
1976 |
Mariposas de la Península Ibérica. Vol. IV. Heteróceros I. Cossoidea-Zygenoidea-Bombycoidea-Sphingoidea |
304 pp. num. color illustrations |
€ 35,00 |
Gomez Bustillo M.R., Arroyo Varela M. & Yela Garcia J.L. |
1979 |
Mariposas de la Península Ibérica. Vol. V. Heteróceros III. Superfamilia Noctuoidea-Nolidae. Pt. 2 |
263 pp. num. color illustrations |
€ 50,00 |
Goodger D.T. & Watson A. |
1995 |
The Afrotropical Tiger-moths: An Illustrated Catalogue, with Generic Diagnoses and Species Distribution of the Afrotropical Arctiinae (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) |
65 pp. 12 plates |
€ 10,00 |
Hermy M., De Blust G. & Slootmaekers M. |
2004 |
Natuur Beheer |
452 pp. no plates. |
€ 45,00 |
Hesselbarth G., van Oorschot H. & Wagener S. |
1995 |
Die Tagfalter der Türkei unter Berücksichtigng der angrenzenden Länder. Band 1, 2 und 3 |
2200 pp. 141 plates |
€ 185,00 |
Higgins L.G. |
1975 |
The Classification of European Butterflies |
320 pp. 700 line drawings |
€ 15,00 |
Higgins L.G. & Riley N.D. |
1970 |
A field guide to the Butterflies of Britain and Europe |
380 pp. 60 plates |
€ 5,00 |
Hoffmeyer S. |
1960 |
De Danske Spindere. 2de uitgave |
270 pp. 24 plates |
€ 15,00 |
Hoffmeyer S. |
1962 |
De Danske Ugler 2de uitgave |
380 pp. 33 plates |
€ 15,00 |
Hoffmeyer S. |
1966 |
De Danske Malere. 2de uitgave |
361 pp. 25 plates |
€ 15,00 |
Ivinskis P. |
1993 |
Check-list of Lithuanian lepidoptera : Lietuvos drugių sąrašas |
210 pp. no plates |
€ 15,00 |
Kaltenbach T. & Küppers P.V. |
1987 |
Kleinschmetterlinge beobachten bestimmen |
288 pp. num. color photographs |
€ 15,00 |
Koster S. & Sinev S. |
2003 |
Microlepidoptera of Europe. Vol. 5. Momphidae s. 1 |
387 pp. 15 plates |
€ 100,00 |
Kuchlein J.H. |
1993 |
De kleine vlinders. Handboek voor de faunistiek van de Nederlandse Microlepidoptera |
715 pp. 7 plates |
€ 50,00 |
Kudrna O. |
1977 |
A Revision of the Genus Hipparchia Fabricius |
300 pp. no plates. |
€ 50,00 |
Larsen T.B. |
1974 |
Butterflies of Lebanon |
255 pp. 16 plates |
€ 10,00 |
Maes D. |
2004 |
The use of indicator species in nature management and policy making. The case of invertebrates in Flanders (Northern Belgium) |
291 pp. no plates |
€ 20,00 |
Moucha J. |
1974 |
A colour guide to familiar Butterflies. Caterpillars and Chrysalides |
190 pp. 62 plates |
€ 15,00 |
Novák I. et al. |
1983 |
Le multiguide nature des papillons d’Europe (édition française) |
352 pp. 128 plates |
€ 8,00 |
Palm E. |
1989 |
Nordeuropas Prydvinger (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae). Danmarks Dyreliv, Bind 4 |
247 pp. 8 plates |
€ 10,00 |
Paulian R. |
1959 |
Faune de France. Coléoptères Scarabéides avec 445 figures |
298 pp. 445 figures |
€ 5,00 |
Robineau R. |
2007 |
Guide des papillons nocturnes de France |
288 pp. no plates |
€ 10,00 |
Rougeot P.C. & Viette P. |
1978 |
Guide des papillons nocturnes d’Europe et d’Afrique du Nord |
228 pp. 40 plates |
€ 15,00 |
Skinner B. |
2009 |
Colour Identification Guide to Moths of the British Isles (Macrolepidoptera). 3rd revised and updated edition |
325 pp. 6 plates |
€ 60,00 |
Skinner B. |
1984 |
Colour Identification Guide to Moths of the British Isles (Macrolepidoptera) |
267 pp. 42 plates |
€ 50,00 |
Skou P. |
1991 |
Nordens Ugler. Handbog over de i Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Finland og Island forekommende arter af Herminiidae og Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) |
565 pp. 37 plates |
€ 10,00 |
Slamka F. |
2008 |
Pyraloidea of Europe (Lepidoptera) Vol. 2. Crambinae & Schoenobiinae |
224 pp. 24 plates |
€ 15,00 |
Slamka F. |
1995 |
Die Zünslerfalter (Pyraloidea) Mitteleuropas |
112 pp. 12 plates |
€ 10,00 |
Tax M.H. |
1989 |
Atlas van de Nederlandse dagvlinders |
248 pp. no plates |
€ 10,00 |
Tshikolovets V.V. |
1995 |
A catalogue of the type-specimens of the Lepidoptera IV (Rhopalocera, Heterocera) |
91 pp. no plates |
€ 5,00 |
Tshikolovets V.V. |
1998 |
The Butterflies of Turkmenistan |
237 pp. 34 plates |
€ 90,00 |
Tshikolovets V.V. |
2000 |
The Butterflies of Uzbekistan |
400 pp. 49 plates |
€ 120,00 |
Tshikolovets V.V. |
2002 |
The Butterflies of Transbaikal Siberia |
320 pp. 48 plates |
€ 110,00 |
Tshikolovets V.V. |
2003 |
The Butterflies of Tajikistan |
500 pp. 77 plates |
€ 150,00 |
Tshikolovets V.V. & Kostjuk I. |
1994 |
A catalogue of the type-specimens of Colias III |
39 pp. no plates |
€ 5,00 |
Tshikolovets V.V. |
1995 |
A Catalogue of the type- specimens of the Lepidoptera in the Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera, Heterocera) Volume IV |
91 pp. no plates |
€ 5,00 |
Turin H. |
1981 |
Provisional checklist of the European ground-beetles. Coleoptera, Cicindelidae & Carabidae |
249 pp. 20 distribution maps |
€ 15,00 |
van der Goot V.S. |
1981 |
De zweefvliegen van Noord-West Europa en Europees Rusland, in het bijzonder van de Benelux |
275 pp. no plates |
€ 10,00 |
van Veen M. & Zeegers Th. |
1993 |
Insekten Basis Boek. Tweede druk |
166 pp. several plates |
€ 12,00 |
Vink A.K. |
Rupsen. Deel 16 der Serie Natuurwetenschappelijke Zakboeken |
123 pp. 30 plates |
€ 15,00 |
Vives Moreno A. |
1992 |
Catalogo Sistematico y Sinonimico de los Lepidopteros de la Península Ibérica y Baléares (Insecta: Lepidoptera) |
378 pp. no plates |
€ 60,00 |
Wasscher M. et al. |
1995 |
Verspreidingsgegevens van de Nederlandse libellen |
79 pp. no plates |
€ 10,00 |
Wijnhoven H. |
2009 |
De Nederlandse hooiwagens (Opiliones) |
118 pp. no plates |
€ 5,00 |
Wynhoff I., van der Made J. & van Swaay C. |
1990 |
Dagvlinders van de Benelux |
187 pp. num. illustrations |
€ 5,00 |
Wynhoff I., van Swaay C. & van der Made J. |
2001 |
Veldgids Dagvlinders |
224 pp. num. photographs |
€ 15,00 |