25–30 August 2024: International Congress of Entomology [Kyoto, Japan, https://ice2024.org/]
Section 18. Systematics, Phylogeny, and Morphology
18-6. Innovative technological solutions to accelerate the systematics of mega-diverse insect orders
Dr. Jurate De Prins (she, her)
Australian National Insect Collection, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Canberra, Australia
Flemish Entomological Society, Leefdaal, Belgium
Contact: jurate.deprins@gmail.com
Dr. Andreas Zwick (he, him)
Australian National Insect Collection, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Canberra, Australia
In the current situation of a biodiversity crisis, we look for a more holistic and integrative way to address the ongoing
problems and find influential solutions in traditional research fields such as insect systematics and phylogeny.
Lepidoptera as the most studied, loved and collected insect group provides endless possibilities to integrate the visual,
bionomical, genomic, and distribution/observation data into a broader pattern of machine-readable models and
approaches that help to understand the complexity of evolutional processes, especially in the Global South. Within the
proposed symposium we aim to invite speakers that have already made a significant contribution in creating human-
machine readable collaborative models and tools to fill the existing wide gaps in the Lepidoptera diversity studies,
especially in biodiversity-rich areas. The integration of historic human-created knowledge with technological
achievements based on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Machine Modelling could advance and improve
significantly the quality of research on Lepidoptera diversity and interlinked fields. In this way, the symposium could
equip the attendees with solutions to address the present-day problems in research that have a broader societal impact.
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