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Flemish Entomological Society

Phegea 21 – 1993

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Phegea 21 – 1993

Phegea 21 – nummer 1 (1 maart 1993)

Riemis A.: De nachtvlinderfauna van het natuurreservaat De Kampina (Lepidoptera: Heterocera).
Phegea 21(1): 1–9.
De verschillende biotopen en de vegetatie van het natuurreservaat De Kampina (provincie Noord-Brabant, Nederland) worden besproken. Daarna wordt een volledige lijst gegeven van alle 435 nachtvlindersoorten die er gedurende 35 onderzoek door verscheidene medewerkers en hemzelf werden waargenomen.

De Prins W. & van der Poorten D.: Grypocera and Rhopalocera of Turkey 11. Description of the females of two little known lycaenid butterflies from southeat Turkey: Polyommatus (Lysandra) dezinus (De Freina & Witt, 1983) and Polyommatus buzulmavi Carbonell, 1992 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae).
Phegea 21(1): 11–16.
The authors describe the female of Polyommatus (Lysandra) dezinus (De Freina & Witt, 1983) and of Polyommatus buzulmavi Carbonell, 1992. They discuss the variability and taxonomy of Polyommatus buzulmavi and comment on the flight period of both species. Polyommatus buzulmavi is placed in the subgenus Meleageria de Sagarra, 1926.

Olivier A.: The butterflies of the Greek island of Tílos (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea & Papilionoidea).
Phegea 21(1): 17–23.
After a short introduction about the geographical situation and the vegetation of the Greek island of Tílos, and the list of the 3 known butterfly species from this island, the author presents his own observations on 25–27 May 1992. In total 19 butterfly species are known now to occur on the island and it is estimated that this represents 80% of the butterfly fauna. There are no endemic subspecies on Tílos and the most important, if not the only, source of this fauna is thought to be Ródos. Tílos has the poorest butterfly fauna of all hitherto explored islands in the Dodekannesos.

De Turck A.: Verdere waarnemingen van Actinotia hyperici ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) en Aplocera efformata (Guenée, 1857) in België (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Geometridae).
21(1): 25–26.
Vier jaar na de eerste waarneming vermeldt de auteur 8 nieuwe exemplaren van Actinotia hyperici die als een circummediterrane soort wordt beschouwd. In hetzelfde gebied kwam Aplocera efformate gewoon voor.

Abadjiev S.: Butterflies in a light trap (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea).
Phegea 21(1): 27.
The catch of two butterfly species in a light trap in the East Rhodopi Mts. (South Bulgaria) on 7 June 1992 is reported: Lasiommata roxelana (Cramer, 1777) and Quercusia quercus (Linnaeus, 1758).


Phegea 21 – nummer 2 (1 juni 1993)

Vermandel E.: Trekvlinders in 1992, negende jaarverslag (Lepidoptera).
Phegea 21(2): 29–43.
pport over de trekvlinders in België in 1992. Een samenvatting in het Engels en Frans bevindt zich achteraan.

Korte mededeling – Communication
Phegea 21(2): 44.
Vanholder B.: Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758) en andere trekvlinders op Kérkira (Korfoe) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae Danainae).

Koutroubas A. G.: Pseudochazara geyeri occidentalis (Rebel & Zerny, 1931) espèce nouvelle pour la Grèce (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae).
Phegea 21(2): 45–46.
The author reports here for the first time the presence in Greece of Pseudochazara geyeri occidentalis (Rebel & Zerny, 1931) on the top Orlovo of the Malimadi mountain at an altitude of 1600 m in August 1992.

Hesselbarth G. & Siepe W.: Polyommatus (Aricia) torulensis – eine bisher nicht bekannte Lycaenide aus Anatolien (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae).
21(2): 47–53.
A new species in the genus Polyommatus is described after mateiral which the authors caught in North Anatolia.

Puplesiene J. & Noreika R.: A brief karyological review of the Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera).
Phegea 21(2): 55–63.
The present paper reports the data on the haploid chromosome numbers of 14 species from 4 genera of the Gracillariidae, collected in Central Asia and Lithuania. All the descriptions of the karyotypes are presented here for the first time.

Faquaet M.: De Aosta-vallei: een paradijs voor lepidopterologen, addendum 7 (Lepidoptera).
Phegea 21(2): 65–69.
Zie Phegea 15: 47–59, 91–107, 131–144, 195–208; 16: 85–92; 17: 27–30, 145–159; 19: 39–42, 113–116; 20: 69–73.

Korte mededeling – Communication
Phegea 21(2): 69.
Janssens K.: Mythimna sicula (Treitschke, 1835) in de provincie Antwerpen (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).


Phegea 21 – nummer 3 (1 september 1993)

Vanholder B.: Het voorkomen van Agrius convolvuli (Linnaeus, 1758) in België in 1992 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae).
Phegea 21(3): 73–78.
Net zoals in 1991 werden ook in 1992 talrijke rupsen en adulten gevonden van Agrius convolvuli (Linnaeus, 1758). Het meest interessant feit is dat welgevormde eitjes werden aangetroffen in wijfjes die uitgekweekt werden van rupsen gevonden te Maaseik (Limburg).

Tolman T.: The natural history, ecology and distribution of Turanana panagaea (Herrich-Schäffer, [1851]) and Lycaena thetis (Klug, 1834) in Greece (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae).
Phegea 21(3): 81–92.
The larval host-plant of Turanana panagaea and Lycaena thetis in Greece has been established as Acantholimon androsaceum (Plumbaginaceae). Strong circumstancial evidence indicates that both butterfly species are monophagous. Experiences in the captive rearing of T. panagaea, wich hibernates as a pupa, and L. thetis, which hibernates as a small larva, are described. Larval feeding regimes indicate negligible or nil interspecies competition. Both species display a high order of adaptation to their larval host-plant, the implications of which are discussed in detail. Observational evidence indicating rapid evolutionary development of thetis relative to its congeners is shown to be consistent with theoretical expectaion: taxonomic implications are noted. All larval stages of L. thetis appear to be myrmecoxenous. Larvae of T. panagaea were not observed in nature but other evidence indicates little or no myrmecophily. The absence of larval parasitism noted for thetis is contrasted with the high frequencies observed in the larvae of 47 other Greek lycaenids studied in the same, two year period. The observation of A. androsaceum on mountains in northern Greece is reported and its significance discussed. The rediscovery of thetis on Mount Tymphristos is reported, as is the recent discovery of thetis on the Giona mountain by Mr. Jos Dils of Antwerpen at his request.

Riemis A.: A short visit to Syria in May 1992 (Lepidoptera).
Phegea 21(3): 93–95.
The author reports on a short visit to Syria during the first week of May 1992 and the observed butterflies are discussed.

De Meyer M., Brunel E. & Grootaert P.: Pipunculid records from France (Diptera: Pipunculidae).
Phegea 21(3): 97–99.
The authors report the occurrence of 11 pipunculid species from France, collected by malaise traps at Rennes and Le Rheu (Brittany) during 1992. Three species, Chalarus latifrons Hardy, Eudorylas obliquus Coe and Eudorylas ruralis (Meigen) are new to the French fauna.


Phegea 21 – nummer 4 (1 december 1993)

Coutsis J. G. & Olivier A.: Confirmation of the presence of both Gegenes pumilio (Hoffmansegg, 1804) and Gegenes nostrodamus (Fabricius, 1793) on the Greek island of Kríti (Crete) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae).
Phegea 21(4): 101–107.
The authors give an overview of the literatur concerning the occurrence on the Greek island of Kríti of Gegenes pumilio pumilio (Hoffmansegg, 1804) and Gegenes nostrodamus (Fabricius, 1793). It is noted that there is no completely trustworthy records of G. nostrodamus for this island. However, one confirmed sympatric and synchronous occurrence of both species on Crete is reported. Differences between both species are illustrated from specimens collected by the second author on Crete.

Tennent W. J.: A critical note on the occurrence of Leptidea Billberg, 1820 species in North-West Africa (Lepidoptera: Pieridae).
21(4): 109–112.
Records of Leptidea sinapis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Leptidea duponcheli (Staudinger, 1871) from the Maghreb countries of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia are critically examined.

Larsen K.: The Cochylidae-fauna of Libya. Erratum (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae, Tortricinae).
21(4): 112.
The depository of 4 neotypes of Libyan Cochylidae is corrected to the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen.

Olivier A. & Coutsis J. G.: Notes on Maniola telmessia (Zeller, 1847) from the Eatsern Aegean islands, with new insights about its populations on the Greek islands of Kárpathos and Kássos (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae Satyrinae).
Phegea 21(4): 113–130.
The distribution of Maniola telmessia (Zeller, 1847) on the Greek Aegean islands is discussed. The species is mentioned for the first time from the Greek island of Kássos. A short report on the phenology of the species on the southeast Aegean islands in 1992 and 1993 is given. The geographical variation of M. telmessia on the Aegean islands is discussed with the new data available. The populations of the islands Kárpathos and Kássos seem to differ remarkably from the other populations, as well morphologically (wing pattern, spotting) as genetically (electrophorese). However, a new subspecies is not described since the differences are not absolutely constant. The subspecies concept is discussed and recent critics (Collins 1991) are mentioned. Biogeographical consequences of the new insights are discussed.

Larsen K.: Some species of Microlepidoptera new to the Belgian fauna (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae & Epermeniidae).
Phegea 21(4): 131–136.
This paper introduces the following species to the Belgian fauna: Olethreutes turfosana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851), Bactra suedana Bengtsson, 1990, Bactra lacteana Caradja, 1916 (Tortricidae) and Epermenia petrusella (Heylaerts, 1883) (Epermeniidae). At the same time Bactra suedana Bengtsson, 1990 is introduced new to the Lithuanian fauna. The species Bactra furfurana (Haworth, 1911) (Tortricidae) is deleted from the Belgian list (De Prins 1983: 19) being a misidentification of Bactra lacteana Caradja.

Faquaet M.: De Aosta-vallei: een paradijs voor lepidopterologen, addendum 7 (Lepidoptera).
Phegea 21(4): 137–139.
Zie Phegea 15: 47–59, 91–107, 131–144, 195–208; 16: 85–92; 17: 27–30, 145–159; 19: 39–42, 113–116; 20: 69–73; 21: 65–69.


Phegea 21 – 1993