38 nummer 1
maart 2010) (Mededelingen)
K.: The distribution of Cydia pyrivora (Lepidoptera:
Phegea 38(1): 1–4.
Information on the geographical distribution and biology of
Cydia pyrivora (Danilevsky, 1947) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
is presented. The species is new to more countries than was
hitherto known.
(English) –
S.: Heliozela hammoniella (Lepidoptera: Heliozelidae),
nieuw voor de Belgische fauna.
Phegea 38(1): 5–7.
Het eerste Belgische exemplaar van Heliozela hammoniella
Sorhagen, 1885 werd gevonden door de Werkgroep Bladmineerders
te Borlon (Luxemburg) op 30 augustus 2009. Een week later, op
6 september 2009 werden verscheidene bladuitsnijdingen gevonden
op jonge berken (Betula) te Vinderhoute (Oost-Vlaanderen).
Op 17 oktober 2009 werd de soort aangetroffen te Rongy (Henegouwen)
en op 1 november 2009 te Bohan (Namen).
(Nederlands) –
F., Garrevoet T. & Sagiroglu A. I.: Synanthedon syriaca,
a new species to the Turkish fauna (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae).
Phegea 38(1): 8–10.
The presence of several specimens of Synanthedon syriaca
Špatenka, 2001 was demonstrated in the Turkish province
of Hatay. All specimens were collected as imago between 14 May
and 29 May 2008. This is the first record of this species from
Turkey. The distribution of the species is briefly discussed.
(English) –
J. & Ellis W. N.: Hinatara recta: een soort en
genus nieuw voor de fauna van de Benelux (Hymenoptera: Symphyta:
Phegea 38(1): 11–15.
Bladmijnen van de Centraal-Europese soort Hinatara recta
(CG Thomson, 1871) werden op 27 april 2009 waargenomen te Elsene
op noorse esdoorn. Dit betreft de eerste waarneming voor België.
Vermoedelijk is deze soort wijdverspreid in België.
(Nederlands) –
de Weyer G.: A new species of Paragus Latreille, 1804
from Turkey (Diptera: Syrphidae).
Phegea 38(1): 16–20.
Paragus altomontanus sp. n. is described from the Taurus
and Pontic mountains. A list with all Turkish Paragus-species
is given.
(English) –
W.: Een nieuwe keversoort voor de Belgische fauna: het beukenrouwtorretje,
Diaclina fagi (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae).
Phegea 38(1): 21–22.
Op 02 juli 2008 werd een exemplaar van Diaclina fagi (Panzer,
1799) in een lichtval verzameld te Dilbeek (Vlaams-Brabant,
België). Een tweede exemplaar werd op dezelfde plaats gevonden
op 28 juni 2009. Dit is de eerste melding van deze soort uit
België. Deze kleine kever komt voor in Oost- en Zuid-Europa.
Sinds 1944 werd de soort inheems in Duitsland. Ze vestigt zich
dus nu ook in België.
A. N.: Records of some rare noctuid moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
in the Rostov-on-Don area (Russia) in 2007–2009.
Phegea 38(1): 23–28.
Nine rare Noctuidae moth species were caught in the Rostov-on-Don
area of Russia during the field-seasons 2007–2009: Nola
cucullatella (Linnaeus, 1758), Nola chlamitulalis (Hübner,
[1813]), Odice arcuinna (Hübner, [1790]), Macrochilo
cribrumalis (Hübner, [1793]), Zekelita ravalis
(Staudinger, 1851), Schinia cognata (Freyer, 1833),
Victrix umovii (Eversmann, 1846), Photedes morrisii
(Dale, 1837), Dichagyris vallesiaca (Boisduval,
1837) ssp. subsqualorum Kozhanchikov, 1930.
Cleynenbreugel S.: Trekvlinders in 2007, vierentwintigste jaarverslag
Phegea 38(1): 29–39.
Verslag van de trekvlinders waargenomen in 2007. Een tabel met
de samenvattende gegevens van Belgische migranten en zwervers
per decade wordt gegeven.
38 nummer 2 (1
juni 2010) (Mededelingen)
K.: The genus Clavigesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
with description of two new species.
Phegea 38(2): 41–54.
This paper deals with the genus Clavigesta Obraztsov,
1946. The material of the author’s collection and some
additional material has been examined. Together with the two
already known species in this genus, two new species are described
and figured: Clavigesta gerti n. sp.
and Clavigesta tokei n. sp. The distribution
of all four species is described in detail and it is detected
that all four species occur in the Mediterranean region and
that the genus may have originally evolved in the pine forests
of this region. C. purdeyi from the central Mediterranean
area is looking slightly different from the populations in North-West
Europe indicating a long time separation of the populations.
V.: Notes on the distribution and taxonomical status of the
enigmatic Polia cherrug (Noctuidae) in Dobrogea (south-eastern
Phegea 38(2): 55–61.
A new locality, representing the third known for Polia cherrug
Rákosy & Wieser, 1997, is reported from northern
Dobrogea, south-eastern Romania. The species’ habitat,
imagos and genitalia of both sexes are illustrated. By comparing
the distributions of P. cherrug, P. nebulosa (Hufnagel,
1766) and Pachetra sagittigera (Hufnagel, 1766) in
Dobrogea, the hypothesis that P. cherrug might represent
a natural hybrid between the latter two species is discussed.
(English) –
Esfandiari M., Mossadegh M. S., Shishehbor P.,
Mikkola K. & Hodjat S. H.: Four noctuid (Lepidoptera:
Noctuidae) taxa new for the fauna of Iran.
Phegea 38(2): 62–67.
Three species, Grammodes boisdeffrii (Oberthür,
1876), Dysmilichia flavonigra (Swinhoe, 1884), Mythimna
congrua (Hübner, [1817]), and the nominate subspecies
Drasteria kabylaria kabylaria (Bang-Haas, 1906), are
reported for the first time from Iran. These species were collected
in sugarcane fields' areas of Khuzestan province, south-west
Iran. Adults and genitalia of each species are illustrated,
with notes on their identification, bionomy and distribution.
S.: Coleophora conyzae (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae),
nieuw voor de Belgische fauna.
Phegea 38(2): 68–70.
On 17 May 2009, a case of Coleophora conyzae Zeller,
1868 was found on Eupatorium cannabinum at Wielsbeke
(Belgium, Province of West Flanders), leg. S. Wullaert. This
is the first record of this species from Belgium. Details on
its life cycle and distribution are provided.
Baugnée J.-Y. & De Prins W.: Caloptilia fidella
(Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), a new leafminer to the Belgian
Phegea 38(2): 71–73.
On 6 November 2009 a few leaf mines of Caloptilia fidella
(Reutti, 1853) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) were found
on Humulus lupulus L. (Cannabaceae) along the nature
reserve "Ile aux Corsaires" at Angleur (province of
Liège). This is the first record of this species from
Belgium. Details on the biology and distribution are presented.
W.: Nieuwe en interessante vondsten van myceliumkevers, knotssprietkevers
en smalkevers aan de westrand van Brussel (Coleoptera: Mycetophagidae,
Colydiidae & Cucujidae).
Phegea 38(2): 74–80.
Recently, five remarkable species were found at the westside
of Brussels: Mycetophagus quadripustulatus (Linnaeus,
1761), M. atomarius (Fabricius, 1787), and M. quadriguttatus
Müller, 1881, all three living under mouldy bark or on
agarics; Bitoma crenata (Fabricius, 1775) living under
bark, and the cosmopolitan beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis
(Linnaeus, 1758) of which more than 20 specimens were found
in an habitation.
Phegea 38 nummer 3 (1
september 2010) (Mededelingen)
Lock K., De Prins G. & Goethals P. L. M.: First record of Limnephilus
binotatus in Belgium (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae).
Phegea 38(3): 81–84.
Caddisflies or Trichoptera are known as indicators of a good
water quality. In Belgium, however, caddisflies hardly received
any attention recently. Because most species are attracted to
light, the help was invoked of moth collectors to increase the
knowledge about the Belgian caddisflies. One of the first results
of this co-operation was the capture of Limnophilus binotatus Curtis, 1834, which had not yet been reported for Belgium. The
species was found in the nature reserve Bospolder – Ekers
Moeras, along with 12 other caddisfly species, all of which
are characteristic for standing waters. This record indicates
there is still a lot to be discovered about the Belgian caddisflies
and we hope to convince more moth catchers to collect some caddisflies
during sampling with light traps.
Anastassiu H. T., Ghavalas N. & Coutsis J. G.: First record
of Cacyreus marshalli in Greece, and comments on the
potential occurrence of Zizeeria karsandra on the Greek
island of Crete (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae).
Phegea 38(3): 85–92.
A thriving colony of Cacyreus marshalli (Butler, 1898)
is reported for the first time from Greece. The butterflies
appeared in large numbers in late summer and throughout autumn
of 2009 in parkland and gardens in the northern suburbs of Athens.
Introduced Pelargonium plants in a particular park
were identified as the most probable explanation of this sudden
occurrence. Moreover, the authors’ persistent, yet unsuccessful
efforts to locate Zizeeria karsandra (Moore, 1865)
on the island of Crete are discussed.
Prins W.: Interessante waarnemingen van Lepidoptera in België
in 2009 (Lepidoptera).
Phegea 38(3): 93–109.
Some new province records and interesting observations are mentioned.
The genera and species within them are given in alphabetical
order. The nomenclature is according to Fauna Europaea (
Ðuric M., Popovic M. & Verovnik R.: Jelašnica
gorge – a ‘hot spot’ of butterfly diversity
in Serbia.
Phegea 38(3): 111–120.
Jelašnica gorge is only 2 km long, but hosts one of the
richest butterfly fauna in Serbia. A total of 110 species were
observed during a three year survey. The presence of some rare
and threatened species like Maculinea arion, Nymphalis
vaualbum, Melitaea arduinna is discussed. Twenty
six species present in Jelašnica have some sort of endangerment
status either on European or national level giving this site
together with overall high diversity a high conservation priority.
Phegea 38 nummer 4 (1
december 2010) (Mededelingen)
de Meutter F. & Steeman C.: Eriocrania sangii,
new for the Belgian fauna (Lepidoptera: Eriocraniidae).
Phegea 38(4): 121–124.
Since 2007, mines of Eriocrania sangii (Wood, 1891)
have been found in several localities in the provinces of Antwerpen,
Limburg, Luxembourg, Namur and East-Flanders. This species is
recorded here for the first time from Belgium.
S.: Eriocrania salopiella (Lepidoptera: Eriocraniidae),
new to the Belgian fauna.
Phegea 38(4): 125–127.
The first specimens of Eriocrania salopiella Stainton,
1854, were found on 22 May 2009 at Kluisbergen (Province of
East-Flanders). Twe days later, the species was recorded in
the domain "Kleiputten" at Niel (Province of Antwerpen).
On 06 June 2009, the species was again found in the province
of East-Flanders but this time at Lembeke, ar about 60 km from
the first discovery. In 2010 the species was recorded on 29
May at Ploegsteert (Province of Hainaut) and on 05 June, Chris
Steeman found many mines on birch at Nassogne (Province of Luxembourg).
W.: Korte mededeling: Het beukenrouwtorretje, Diaclina fagi,
ook aangetroffen in Frankrijk (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae).
Phegea 38(4): 128.
Diaclina fagi (Panzer, 1799) was observed in Belgium
for the first time in 2008. Originally, this species was known
from South, Central and East-Eruope. Since 1944 it colonised
Germany and it is now present in 17 departments of France.
T., Sierens D., Van de Kerckhove O., Van Opstaele M. & Kindts
B.: De macro-nachtvlinderfauna (Lepidoptera) van Zandig-Vlaanderen
tussen Brugge en Gent en van de Scheldepolders in het Meetjesland
Phegea 38(4): 129–142. (tabel
– 900 KB)
This paper contains the results of 28 years of inventarisation
of Heterocera in the region between Bruges and Ghent (1969 /
1983–2010). Also a short description of the studied biotopes
is given. The first Flemish specimen of Schrankia taenialis
(Hübner, 1809) is reported.
H.: Three new Geometridae (Lepidoptera) species for the fauna
of Istanbul Belgrad Forest, Turkey.
Phegea 38(4): 143–148.
Belgrad Forest mainly is in the form of a deciduous forest,
composed of various tree species and tall shrubs. The study
was conducted between the years of 2007 and 2008 in related
area. The objectives of this study were to investigate the Geometridae
fauna of the area and to give the additional data on previously
recorded Geometrid species in the related place. As a result
of the study; a total of 63 species belonging to 4 subfamilies
of the family Geometridae are determined, which of 3 are the
new species for Istanbul Belgrad Forest.
C.: Additions to the Pterophoridae from Nepal (Lepidoptera).
Phegea 38(4): 149–151.
Intercapperia scindia Arenberger, 1988 is recorded
as new for the Nepalese fauna; and Stenoptilia garrevoeti
spec. nov. is described.
H.: Een expansieve rouwtor in de Benelux, Bolitophagus reticulatus
(Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae).
Phegea 38(4): 152.
An expansive tenebrionid in the Benelux, Bolitophagus reticulatus
On the 24th of April 2010, the author caught a specimen of Bolitophagus
reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1767) at Ganshoren (Belgium, Brussels).
Recent records of this species seem to indicate that the species
is expanding its territory in the Benelux.
H.: A 700 km disjunct population of the millipede Blaniulus
dollfusi in Belgium (Diplopoda, Julida: Blaniulidae).
Phegea 38(4): 153–155.
The millipede Blaniulus dollfusi (Brölemann, 1894)
is recorded as new for the Belgian fauna, based on specimens
collected in Tervuren. The species is native to S. France, N.
Spain and N. Portugal and is probably introduced in Belgium.
E.: Celypha siderana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), een
nieuwe soort voor de lijst van Belgische Lepidoptera.
Phegea 38(4): 157–159.
The first Belgian specimen of Celypha siderana (Treitschke,
1835) was observed by the author at Bree (Belgium, Limburg)
(2008). In 2009, more specifically in the beginning of June,
the species was recorded from the same locality in fairly high
numbers (more than 20 specimens, many copulating). This time,
representative specimens of the female and male sex were mounted,
photographed and identified.