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Flemish Entomological Society

Phegea 41– 2013

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Phegea 41 – 2013

Phegea 41– nummer 1 (1 maart 2013) (Mededelingen)

Verboven A.: Yponomeuta irrorella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae), new to the Belgian fauna.
41(1): 2–4.
Yponomeuta irrorella (Hübner, 1796) is mentioned here for the first time from Belgium. On June 26, 2004 one specimen was photographed and collected at Lavaux-Sainte-Anne, leg. L. Janssen & G. Sallaets, coll. W. De Prins. Information about recent observations in Belgium and neighbouring countries, distribution and biology is provided.

De Prins W.: Tischeria decidua (Lepidoptera: Tischeriidae), new to the Belgian fauna.
41(1): 5–6.
On 05 October 2006, two leaf mines of Tischeria decidua Wocke, 1876 were collected on Quercus robur near the ring road around Antwerpen close to Berchem railway station. Unfortunately, they only produced an Eulophid parasite. Anyway, the record stands as the leaf mine of T. decidua can easily be distinguished from the other oak mining Tischeria species. This is the first record of T. decidua known to the Belgian fauna.

Bengtsson B. Å.: Scythris richteri sp. n., a new micromoth from Croatia (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae).
41(1): 7–9.
A new species of the microlepidopterous family Scythrididae, Scythris richteri sp. n., is described. The type locality is situated in the south of Velebit in Croatia. The new species is externally similar to Scythris taygeticola Scholtz, 1997 but lacks the pale spot at the apex. It may also be confused with Scythris hornigii (Zeller, 1855) but differs externally by the whitish streak in the forewing not reaching the apex but ending at the termen two millimetres before the tip of wing. The male genitalia differ, for instance, by a straight row of large, stout bristles on the uncus. The type series was found in August at an elevation of ca. 1200 m, but the biology is otherwise unknown.

Troukens W.: Een nieuwkomer uit Azië: de rode palmboorder, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae).
41(1): 10–11.
De auteur vermeldt de vondst van enkele exemplaren Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier, 1790) op 15 april 2011 in Andalusië, Spanje. Deze keversoort is inheems in tropisch en subtropisch Azië, Nieuw-Guinea en de Salomonseilanden, en is sinds 1993 geïmporteerd in het Middellandse-Zeegebied van Europa en het Midden-Oosten. De keverlarve boort gangen in de stam van verscheidene palmboomsoorten. Het is een gevreesde schadelijke soort in plantages van palmbomen en suikerriet.

Coutsis J. G. & Ghavalas N.: Skippers and butterflies on the Greek island of Sími in early June 2012, and a list of all the skippers and butterflies that have hitherto been recorded from the island (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea, Papilionoidea).
41(1): 12–16.
Early June skipper and butterfly records are provided for the Greek island of Sími, based on captures rather than just sightings, and a species new to the island is added. A list of the island’s totality of its hitherto known skipper and butterfly species is also being given together with species whose presence on the island needs confirmation and others whose presence there appears to the authors as being most improbable.

Slootmaekers, D.: Infurcitinea ignicomella (Lepidoptera: Tineidae, Meessiinae), new to the Belgian fauna.
41(1): 17–18.
On June 17th, 2012 a single specimen of Infurcitinea ignicomella (Zeller, 1852) was caught in a light trap at Kalmthout (prov. Antwerp, Belgium). This is the first record of this species for Belgium. Information on the geographical distribution and biology of the species is provided as well as a brief comparison with the three other Belgian representatives of the Meesiinae subfamily.

Coutsis J. G.: Leptidea sinapis and Leptidea reali (Lepidoptera: Pieridae): at what point does the first one of the two end, and the other one begin?
41(1): 19–20.
The existence of clinal variation in the male genitalia of the Leptidea sinapis / L. reali – complex is illustrated and discussed, suggesting that the presently accepted specific status for these two taxa is not as clear cut as it has been generally considered. It is hoped that the problem may eventually be solved through breeding, since this way it will be demonstrated whether or not genitalic variability is also to be met with in individuals derived from the same parents.

Troukens W.: De roodhalskoprakever, Necrobia ruficollis (Coleoptera: Cleridae), op kadavers.
41(1): 21.
Enkele recente vondsten van Necrobia ruficollis (Fabricius, 1775) in Vlaanderen en Zuid-Nederland worden vermeld.

Korb S. K.: Gegenes nostrodamus (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), first record for East Kazakhstan.
41(1): 22.
Gegenes nostrodamus (Fabricius, 1793) is recorded for the first time from East Kazakhstan based on 7 males and 2 females caught in the Ili valley near to the Kok-Tal village.

Peeters A. & De Prins W.: Zelleria hepariella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae), nieuw voor de Belgische fauna.
41(1): 23–24.
Op 07 april 2010 werd een exemplaar Zelleria hepariella Stainton, 1849 waargenomen in het natuurreservaat "Wijtschot" te Schoten (Provincie Antwerpen). Het is de eerste maal dat deze soort voor de Belgische fauna wordt vermeld.


Phegea 41– nummer 2 (1 juni 2013) (Mededelingen)

Parmentier L. & Zinsner E.: Contribution to the knowledge of two endemic Corsican butterflies, Polyommatus coridon nufrellensis and Plebejus bellieri (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in relation to Hippocrepis conradiae: first evidence as hostplant, discovery of a new locality and update on distribution, biology and conservation.
Phegea 41(2): 26
During an entomological excursion from 14th till 21st July 2012 in Corsica, France, a new locality for the Corsican Blue Polyommatus (Lysandra) coridon nufrellensis (Schurian, 1977) has been discovered by the authors in the Fango valley. Since its discovery in 1975 this Polyommatus was only known from the vicinity of the a Muvrella Mountain and from the nearby Spasimata valley after its rediscovery in 2001. The new location, with a different habitat, is situated at a lower altitude (below 1000 m) and about 8 km south from the known distribution places. In this article, the authors present for the first time evidence by its behaviour (oviposition of female, egg on plants) and on the two known locatities (Spasimata valley, Fango valley) for Hippocrepis conradiae Gamisans & Hugot, 2011, being a hostplant for caterpillars of P. coridon nufrellensis. Furthermore, DNA-analysis results of all eggs, found on the same plant, suggests H. conradiae to be also a hostplant for Plebejus bellieri Oberthür, 1910. Therefore, the presumed unilateral endemic plant-butterfly relationship is more complex and needs to be updated. Next to this, the discovery of a second biotope situated in the upper Fango valley raises hope that the poorly known distribution of the elusive P. coridon nufrellensis may be wider than expected. Finally, the new distribution area, habitat, ecology and conservation status are discussed. In particular, the lower altitude of the new locality increases the potential zone for further research.

Wullaert S.: Coleophora vacciniella (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae), new to the Belgian fauna.
Phegea 41(2): 42–44.
At the end of October 2010 some cases of Coleophora vacciniella Herrich-Schäffer, 1861 were found on Vaccinium myrtillus at Signal de Botrange at Waimes, Hautes Fagnes (Belgium, province of Liège). The species had already been found in the years 1990 in Belgium by Hugo van der Wolf, but this has never been mentioned before. Details about the distribution and biology are presented.

Peeters A.: Triaxomasia caprimulgella (Lepidoptera: Tineidae, Nemapogoninae), nieuw voor de Belgische fauna.
Phegea 41(2): 45–46.
Op 24 juni 2012 werd een exemplaar van Triaxomasia caprimulgella Stainton, 1851 waargenomen op een boomstam in het domein "Vordenstein" te Schoten (provincie Antwerpen). Het dier werd alleen gefotografeerd en niet verzameld. Dit is de eerste waarneming van deze soort voor de Belgische fauna.

De Prins W.: Cochylis molliculana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae, Tortricinae), new to the Belgian fauna.
Phegea 41(2): 47.
On 30 June 2012, W. Mertens photographed a specimen of Cochylis molliculana Zeller, 1847 at Middelkerke (West Flanders), det. W. Veraghtert. This is the first record of this species for the Belgian fauna.

Troukens W.: Lissodema cursor (Coleoptera: Salpingidae) aan de westrand van Brussel.
Phegea 41(2): 48.
Een exemplaar van Lissodema cursor (Gyllenhall, 1813) werd in een lichtval aangetroffen te Dilbeek (VB) op 1 augustus 2012. Gegevens over de verspreiding en biologie van deze in België zeldzame kever worden meegedeeld.



Phegea 41– nummer 3 (1 september 2013) (Mededelingen)

Larsen K.: A new genus and two new species of Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from the Canary Islands.
Phegea 41(3): 50–54.
In this paper the new genus Willibaldiana is described. The description of the new genus is based upon material collected at the Island Fuerteventura, part of the archipelago of the Canary Islands, Spain. The material consists of two species both of them new to science. All the material is collected from the same light trap stationed at a summer house at the southern tip of Fuerteventura – Barranco Esquinzo, Jandia. It is rather remarkable to find two new species belonging to the same new genus at the same locality. It is suggested that these taxa are belonging to very old Mediterranean taxa that have survived and developed in the semi desert environment of Fuerteventura. The new genus is placed in Eucosmini after Clavigesta Obraztsov, 1946. The names of the two new species are Willibaldiana paasi n. sp. and Willibaldiana schmitzi n. sp. Holotypes and paratypes are deposited in the author's collection.

Ayberk H.: The Arctiinae (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) of Istanbul Belgrad Forest, Turkey.
Phegea 41(3): 55–57.
Istanbul-Belgrad Forest mainly is in the form of a deciduous forest, composed of various tree species and tall shrubs. The study was conducted between the years of 2010 and 2011 in related area. The objectives of this study were to investigate the Arctiinae fauna of the area. As a result of the study; a total of 13 species belonging to 3 tribes of the subfamily Arctiinae are determined.

Troukens W.: Colydium elongatum (Coleoptera: Zopheridae) in België en in het omliggend gebied.
Phegea 41(3): 58–60.
Sinds 1985 werden tientallen Colydium elongatum (Fabricius, 1787) verzameld in Vlaanderen, België. Voordien was de soort onbekend in de Benelux. De uitbreiding van het areaal van deze soort werd ook vastgesteld in Zuid-Engeland, in de Duitse Rijnvallei, in Noord-Frankrijk en Zuid-Nederland. Deze kever leeft onder losse schors van dood hout van eik, beuk, berk en naaldbomen. Het is een predator van schorskevers zoals Scolytinae en Platypodinae, meer bepaald van Platypus cylindrus (Fabricius, 1792).

Dils J.: Remarks on Conophorus heteropilosus (Diptera: Bombyliidae).
Phegea 41(3): 61–62.
Comparison of the original descriptions and examination of the holotype of Conophorus mauritanicus Bigot, 1892 have revealed that Conophorus heteropilosus Timon-David, 1952 is a junior subjective synonym of C. mauritanicus Bigot, 1892.

Koren T. & Štih A.: On the occurrence of Eastern knapweed fritillary, Melitaea ornata (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Croatia.
Phegea 41(3): 63–66.
The occurrence of Melitaea ornata Christoph, 1893 is confirmed for Croatia. The species was recorded in six localities in different regions of the country. All records originate from mountain areas or areas with strong mountain influence. Also, all specimens were recorded in May, which indicates the univoltism of this species.

Raemdonck H.: Pyropterus nigroruber (Coleoptera: Lycidae) nu ook inheems in België.
Phegea 41(3): 67–68.
Pyropterus nigroruber (De Geer, 1774) wordt hier voor het eerst uit België en de Benelux vermeld. De eerste waarneming vond plaats op 15 juni 2003 te Daverdisse (LX), leg. Y. Thieren. Nadien raakten 17 exemplaren bekend uit 4 vindplaatsen in Luik en Luxemburg. De larve van P. nigroruber leeft carnivoor op allerlei insecten en hun larven.

Snyers C., De Prins G., Baugnée J.-Y. & Vereecken N.: Coleophora saponariella (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae), a new species for the Belgian fauna.
Phegea 41(3): 69–71.
On the 4th of October 2009, several mines and cases of Coleophora saponariella Heeger, 1848 were found on Common Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) at De Panne (province of West-Flanders). It was the first mention of this species in Belgium. In 2010 the species was found again in the same locality and several cases were bred to adults. It appears that C. saponariella has a permanent population in “De Westhoek” with three generations per year. In 2012, the species was also discovered at Rochefort (province of Namur). It is distributed in the whole of Europe and is sometimes very common.

Tshikolovets V.: Corrigendum. Critical note on the publication by Korb "Gegenes nostrodamus (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), first record for East Kazakhstan", Phegea 41(1): 22 (2013).
Phegea 41(3): 72.
The specimen of skipper figured in the mentioned publication, as well as the other listed specimens, do not belong to Gegenes nostrodamus (Fabricius, 1783), but to Eogenes alcides (Herrich-Schäffer, 1852), as can be seen from the male genitalia and form and colour of wings. Eogenes alcides has a wide distribution from Turkey and Transcaucasia in the west to S. E. Kazakhstan and Pakistan in the East. This species was recorded for the first time from Kazakhstan by Evans in 1949.


Phegea 41– nummer 4 (1 december 2013) (Mededelingen)

Popovic M., Ðuric M., Franeta F. & Verovnik R.: On the extremely rich butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) of the south-eastern foothills of Stara Planina Mts in Serbia.
Phegea 41(3): 74–81.
The Stara Planina Mts. region in Serbia has already been recognized as one of the most butterfly rich regions in Europe with good populations of several rare and threatened species. However, the southern part of Stara Planina has been so far only poorly studied. We therefore focused our field surveys on that region visiting 22 sites over a period of seven years. A total of 136 species of butterflies were recorded and new records of several rare species confirm and append our knowledge of the high diversity of Stara Planina. We have confirmed the presence of Muschampia cribrellum in Serbia and extended its known range from Mt. Vidlic to the foothills of the Stara Planina massif. Additionally we found rare species like Leptidea duponcheli, Plebejus sephirus, Erebia alberganus, Melitaea arduinna and Nymphalis xanthomelas at several new sites. Despite sufficient legislative protection, the butterfly fauna of the region is under threat due to infrastructure developments and abandonment. Supplementary content (pdf – 1.01 MB)

De Prins W. & Steeman C.: Interessante waarnemingen van Lepidoptera in België in 2012 (Lepidoptera).
Phegea 41(3): 82–85.
Enkele nieuwe provinciegegevens en andere interessante waarnemingen van Lepidoptera in 2012 worden gemeld. Enkele oudere gegevens worden eveneens vermeld. De hele lijst is alfabetisch gerangschikt. De gebruikte nomenclatuur is in overeenstemming met Fauna Europaea (

Baugnée J.-Y. & Snyers C.: Note sur la présence de Caryocolum fischerella (Lepidoptera Gelechiidae) en Belgique.
Phegea 41(3): 86–89.
La présence de Caryocolum fischerella (Treitschke, 1833) est documentée pour la première fois sur le territoire belge. De nombreuses chenilles ont été observées dans leur abri caractéristique sur la saponaire officinale (Saponaria officinalis L.) depuis mai 2009, dans la réserve naturelle “Aux Roches” à Flémalle-Haute (province de Liège) et depuis avril 2010 à De Panne (province de Flandre occidentale). Les informations relatives à la biologie et à la répartition du lépidoptère sont résumées.

Henderickx H., Perkovsky E. E., Van Hoorebeke L. & Boone M.: The first pseudogarypid in Rovno amber (Ukraine) (Pseudoscorpiones: Pseudogarypidae).
Phegea 41(3): 90–92.
The first Pseudogarypus pseudoscorpion is recorded from Rovno amber (Ukraine). The fossil is partially obscured and pyretised, but it could be reconstructed virtually with high resolution X-ray computed tomography (micro-CT). It was also compared with the Pseudogarypus species from late Eocene Baltic amber, and the conspecificy with Pseudogarypus minor Beier, 1947 is argued.

De Prins W.: On the presence in Belgium of Chersotis cuprea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Phegea 41(3): 93–94
Earlier records of Chersotis cuprea (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775 from the Belgian fauna have always been disputed, but a correctly identified specimen is deposited in the collections of the Löbbecke Museum Aquazoo at Düsseldorf. It was caught near Baraque Michel, Hautes Fagnes (province of Liège) in July 1957, leg. Loch.

Troukens W.: Silvanoprus fagi (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) aan de westrand van Brussel.
Phegea 41(3): 95–96.
Naar aanleiding van een vangst van Silvanoprus fagi (Guérin-Méneville, 1844) in een lichtval te Dilbeek (VB) op 21.vii.2010, licht de auteur de verschillen toe tussen S. fagi en de andere soorten Silvanidae. Verder wordt informatie verstrekt over de voorkeur van deze soort voor naaldbomen en de verspreiding in België.

Phegea 41 – 2013